Let’s get to know
each other

• about me •

My story

Di sebuah kota kecil yang indah, hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Aku. Aku memiliki sifat yang unik, yaitu sangat sensitif dan empatik. Sejak kecil, Aku telah merasakan dan memahami perasaan orang lain dengan sangat mendalam.

Ketika Aku berada di sekitar orang-orang, Aku dapat merasakan kegembiraan, kesedihan, atau bahkan kecemasan mereka. Setiap kali Aku melihat seseorang yang sedang berjuang atau kesulitan, Aku merasa tergerak untuk membantu mereka. Aku tidak hanya memahami perasaan mereka, tetapi Aku juga merasa perlu untuk bertindak.

Namun, sifat sensitif dan empatikku sering kali membuat Aku merasa terbebani. Aku merasakan beban emosional yang besar ketika melihat penderitaan atau kesedihan orang lain. Terkadang, Aku bahkan merasa seperti tidak dapat membedakan antara perasaan Aku sendiri dan perasaan orang lain.

Meskipun seringkali sulit bagiku untuk mengatasi perasaan-perasaan intens ini, Aku menyadari bahwa sifat sensitif dan empatikku ini adalah kekuatan yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu orang lain. Dengan pengalaman 16 tahun sebagai penyintas mental health Aku mulai belajar bagaimana mengelola emosiku sendiri dan memberikan dukungan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan.

Dengan setiap pengalaman dan perjalananku , Aku semakin memahami bahwa sifat sensitif dan empatikku ini  adalah anugerah yang langka. Aku belajar untuk mengambil waktu untuk diriku sendiri, merawat emosiku, dan belajar tentang batasan-batasanku agar tidak terlalu terbebani oleh perasaan orang lain.

The beginning

Katumbiri Soul

Baca Pesan Kartu Tarot, Teman Cerita (Empath).

ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE Reiki Master / Teacher, CBT, DBT, ACT, Certificate of Natural Medicine, The Complete Mindfulness & Meditation Training (MBCT/MBSR), Health Coaching Certification Holistic
by The International Association of Therapist (IAOTH)
The Complementary Therapist Acredited Association (CTAA) , The International Natural Healer International (INHA)
The Natural Healer Society (NHS)
The American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)

My vision

Dalam perjalanan hidupku yang penuh warna ini, Aku menemukan cara untuk menggunakan sifat sensitif dan empatikku untuk membuat perbedaan dalam hidup orang lain. Aku menjadi pendengar yang baik, penyokong yang setia, dan pemberi harapan bagi mereka yang membutuhkan.

Kisahku sebagai seorang yang sensitif dan empatik terus berkembang, dan Aku bersedia menjalani perjalanan ini dengan penuh keberanian dan kasih sayang. Aku percaya bahwa melalui kebaikan hati dan kepekaanku, Aku dapat mengubah dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik bagi semua orang.


By The International Association of Therapist (IAOTH)

The Complementary Therapist Acredited Association (CTAA) , The International

Natural Healer International (INHA)

fully accredited Certificate of Natural Medicine

from the Hyamson Institute of Natural and Complementary Medicine, partnered with the Complementary Therapists Accreditation Association (CTAA). accredited certificate towards Professional Development/CME credits.

Certified Meditation Guide

Meditation Basics Course w/Certificate to Guide Others

meditation for stress relief, anxiety & more!

Accredited Meditation Certificate

dari Natural Healer Accreditation partnered with

The International Natural Healer International (INHA)

The American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)

The International Association of Therapist (IAOTH)

The Complementary Therapist Acredited Association (CTAA)

The Natural Healer Society (NHS)

The Massage Association of Australia (MAA)

Reiki Master / Teacher Certification

This IAOTH, UK Accredited complete basic to advanced Reiki training become a Professional Reiki Master

Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing - Accredited


Emotional Intelligence: Master Anxiety, Fear, & Emotions

Emotional Intelligence : Understand & Master your Emotions !

Emotional Intelligence: The Complete Masterclass ®

Introduction to Psychotherapy - ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE

psychotherapy and counselling, work online from home or face-to-face, market business, psychology CBT

fully accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH).

Psychology and Therapy of Addictions -ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE

Working with alcohol and drugs addictions, substance misuse and rehabilitation helper, counselling, psychotherapy, coach fully accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH)

Advanced Level Psychology - ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE

Psychology skills, Applied Social & Cognitive Psychology, Child Development, Research Methods, academic online study

fully accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH).

The Complete Mindfulness & Meditation Training (MBCT/MBSR)

Evidence-based mindfulness & meditation tools for focus, calm, stress management, emotional intelligence & communication

Fully Accredited Professional Colour Therapy Diploma Course

Fully Accredited Diploma Course - Using the power of Color For Positive & Strong Effects In Your Or Your Clients Life! Professional Diploma Course that is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.

Gestalt Psychotherapy - ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE

Psychotherapist or Counsellor, open new business or work from home, get Psychology & therapy knowledge fully accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH)

Occupational Therapy Introduction - ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE

occupational therapist, basic Psychology, Physiology & Anatomy, working with disabilities, children adults fully accredited by the IAOTH - International Association of Therapists!

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Advanced Level -ACCREDITED CERT

Psychology, counselling and therapy; psychotherapy works; Freud and his followers, psychoanalysis fully accredited by the IAOTH - International Association of Therapists!

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) - ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE

Counselling and psychology approaches, theoretical knowledge and practice for counsellors to be, work from home / online

fully accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH).

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) - ACCREDITED CERT

counsellor / therapist, work 'online' from home, become self-employed & learn psychology, depression, behaviour

fully accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH).

Health Coaching Certification Holistic

Health Coaching Practitioner Course Graduates Prepared Health Coaching Specialists in Holistic Wellness Health Coaching

Women Empowerment Certification Holistic Life Coach Training

Women Empowerment Life Coach Training Prepares and Graduates Empowerment Life Coach Professionals in Women Empowerment

Holistic Coach Academy/Empowerment Coach Academy.

Fully Accredited Certification in Ho’oponopono & Forgiveness,

Find peace and happiness through Ho'oponopono and forgiveness techniques and get rid of negativity, anxiety, trauma etc. IAOTH, UK accredited certification

is recognized for certification by Virtued Academy International, an autonomous institute, under the Virtued Society, incorporated under the act 21, 1860 of the Government of U.P., India. Validity & Utility of the training is conditionally in conformity with the Constitution of India, and the laws of the land under Article 19 1 G. Virtued Academy International provides continuing education for individuals interested in self-development and students should contact the IAOTH, UK for registration/ accreditation and relevant local authorities for the scope of practice.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - ACCREDITED CERT

Psychology & Counselling Approaches, Emotions and Behaviour Strategies, Mindfulness, Psychotherapy, Positive Thinking

fully accredited by the IAOTH - International Association of Therapists!

Mindfulness Teacher Training Certificate

certified mindfulness teacher with this accredited mindfulness teacher training programmecertificate accredited by the International Association of Therapists.

view of floating open book from stacked books in library
view of floating open book from stacked books in library
MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book

What I
believe in

Melalui kombinasi sifat sensitif dan empatikku dengan tindakan nyata, Aku yakin bahwa Aku dapat memberikan kontribusi positif dalam mengubah dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik. Dengan memberikan dukungan, empati, dan kebaikan kepada orang lain, Aku dapat menciptakan efek domino bisa menginspirasi dan mendorong perubahan positif yang berkelanjutan.


Teman Cerita

Mendengarkan dengan empati dan memberikan dukungan yang Anda butuhkan. Dengan menggunakan layanan jasa curhat kami, Anda tidak perlu merasa sendirian dalam menghadapi masalah Anda.

Baca Tarot

Dapatkan panduan yang mendalam dan inspirasi yang tak terduga melalui sesi tarot yang penuh keajaiban. Biarkan kartu tarot membuka pintu ke pengetahuan yang lebih dalam tentang diri Anda dan membantu Anda menavigasi perjalanan hidup dengan lebih percaya diri. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk membuka pintu menuju potensi tersembunyi dan kebahagiaan yang lebih besar.